Get permanent fixed solutions
The All-on-4 was developed in 1994 with Nobel Biocare. This was a landmark treatment option in terms of there was a lot of patients that had been missing teeth for a very long time. There was significant amount of bone loss. And so this allowed us to restore people’s teeth almost up to 90% of what it used to be. It is terrific. Many people know this by other names, Teeth in a Day, Smile in a Day, Hybridge. But they’re all off of the Nobel Biocare All-on-4, and we are the regions only All-on-4 Center of Excellence here in Lubbock, Texas. So, this option allows you to regain your smile, and your functionality, and they don’t come out. They stay in. For me, it has transformed some of my patients lives. I would love for you to become part of that story as well.