Tooth loss affects individuals physically, mentally, and emotionally. This can disrupt your satisfaction of life and create apprehension about yourself in professional and personal relationships. Dental implants in Posey, TX can attend to all of these worries. With implants, you can:
- Restore your strong bite and ability to chew
- Renew your feeling of self-worth
- Feel assured that your new teeth will not move around in your mouth
- Revive your self-esteem in professional and personal relationships
At High Plains Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, your dentist wants your brand-new teeth to look, feel, and function as well as healthy, natural teeth. You get the advantage of our years of experience and training in teeth replacements when you come in for an examination. Jointly, we can propose a strategy to place your smile back on track and set the stage for your long-term dental health and wellness.
The best services will rely on the number of teeth you need to replace. You can rebuild your smile with these services:
- Dental Implant— This is essentially a complete artificial tooth with the dental implant as the root and the restoration covering your dental implant, whether you’re replacing one tooth or many teeth.
- Dentures With Implants— Standard dentures sit over your gums, which means they can move when you eat or speak. With a series of only four implants, your dentures are anchored in place, so they do not move around.
- Same-Day Smile— This sophisticated procedure permits you to get implants and a new set of teeth on the same visit. You’ll fix your smile in less time.
- Mini Implants— Bone loss in your jaw may require you to receive a bone graft before you can get conventional implants. Tiny implants can save you a step. Given that they are more compact than traditional implants, you get the exact same benefits without a bone graft.
It’s time to revitalize your smile and your self-confidence. Arrange your examination at High Plains Periodontics and Implant Dentistry to find out just how you can obtain dental implants in Posey, TX. Call 806-507-6906 or for an appointment.